Thursday, May 14, 2009

When my mind wonders...

"I have college next week. Excited?kinda..Miss hols too i will?yes yes..."
"Oohhh it's sooo hot here..Malaysia why larr??"
"I think this is happening....ohmygosh!!!!"
A friend asked me this that day, "Naughty or goody looks??"haha
"Will that really turn out as said?? will i be paranoid? i hope not"
"Do I seem to have feelings for guys or is it a 'they're so nice so im really grateful they're there"?? "I'm a gurl so, it's not wrong right?"
"I wanna save my cupcakes forever!!!" *sigh they gotta be eaten
"Can christian music make me emo too??"
Why is it that gurls(or maybe just me) have this, "I'll never be good enough"
"To like, is to just wait and wait"
"I'm 18 already, i'm in college and a future that is UNDECIDED"
"Truly grateful for those around me that have put up with my nonsense"
"I love and am thankful for ALL YOU PUNCHBAGS!!!!"
"I want more fun than work"
"I want to sing better. Sing for (that). But i'm still not ready. I think. I'm still to conscious"
"I am a happy gurl. smiles. Enjoy company"
"Trying to be more patient and not hurt others"
"Honesty can really really hurt"
"Why do i seem to not get a hold of myself sometimes?"
"Being somewhere alone can really make me think about things i don't wanna think about"
"I wanna dance sooo much. But i can't. I wanna see myself dancing, twirling in a light satin dress...first in a ballet room, then a huge decorated hall"
"Am i being a friend to lean on anytime, or a friend who's there when no one else is??"
"To influence so many people, but with low self-esteem"

1 comment:

Victor said...

he..error in your blog..u typed trying NOT to be you dont have to be great to be there for a friend..on the being there for a friend makes you great =)