Due to the busy weekend, lazy to go to college. The bridal showers on sat and sun were fun!!! Saturday was super crazyyyy...(i'm thinking of eloping when i get married)...hahaha..its seriously embarrassing wei..though its a once in a lifetime think but....goodness..I do hope the people i love, love me too in a nice way. Or i'll be dead. Poor winny had to be dressed up in midvalley. Random people all around...not cool.haha. For the rest of us obviously it was fun and a laughing matter but for her...wow..really sporting attitude you must have. What a day to remember!! Winny did a great job!!!!! success!!! and lotsa pics!!! After collecting the money, we all went yam cha before going home...tiring day..good thing i didn't have to dance on sunday morning hehe..
Sunday night's was fun too!! this time with ghm mothers/women...the gifts were...interesting haha...Jess,Moni, Winny and I were bored as people were leaving sooo...pose and snap!! muahahaha...all the girly nonsense stuff...
Boy, weekend nights were sooo tiring for me..that's why i dread to go to college today..blah..
Oh oh and i drove quite a bit with my mum's car...supposed to go to Chat's house yesterday night, took a wrong turn, ended up at midvalley and drove...a lot a lot...of course with mum la...my sense of direction is terrible..hahaha..have been driving to church to send siblings and pick them up kinda thing...fuuunnn..smiles
Oh and....i signed up for camporama!!!!!!! yays!!!!!!!!! haha...okay i am scared to go cos i don't know anyone there...technically..well kinda....not anyone who i'm close to and who already have other closer friends...i know i can make new friends but i guess it's always good to feel there's someone whom you know close enough to feel comfortable to go with..sighs. Now how?? bleh...but i know i don't wanna miss this chance la..once in four years..but i pray i'll have someone close...other than my sister...eeeeeee...hahahaha..oh well. But i'm glad im getting my opportunity..yes i am. I pray that all will go well...arrangements and all. yeah.
Today...in college...
Psych class was alright...I wan an iceberg..hahaha...The best (or some can say, the most hated) thing that happened today was the quiz...POP!!!! quiz..yes. Lecturer gave us a 10min break. 2minutes after the break, she said there were some who were missing so...NUMBER 1...!!!!!! waaaaaaahhh....here goes..but...its..i think its pretty mean..but she said ''It's life in her class'' oh well...question 1 : Spell SLEEP, 2: Spell REM (she specified 3 letters), 3: Spell NREM (specified again), 4: psychology (specified ''with a 'psy') my goodness she was mean to late people, 5: (now she asked for an easy word...Victor said night terror but, she replied, "Night. Night is a good word)...oh my gosh we were all laughing as we did our 'quiz'. Okay so i think for those who did the quiz...a wonder. yes.............for those who didn't....ouch. If it were me i knew i would be pretty ticked that she kinda 'did it on purpose'...but yea..."LIFE IN PSYCH CLASS"...
After mass communication class(which was pretty flat cos we were learning on history of communication), crazy storm...sigh..not cool. The wind was blowing sooo much. Could see the rain being blown in directions and it was just....unbelievable. After all the crazy hot days, the storm...wow..It was so heavy my dad had to come pick me up. Got back home safely and right now, its a pretty bright light outside...cooling....to the park??? haha...maybe...smiles..
I can't wait till friday and saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the day has come!!!!!! So fast...time really flies..it's soo exciting..and to be in church at 6.30 AM!!! my goodness..my panda eyes...oh no oh no....
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