Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Yes today was a productive day..Jas, Manda and Esther are over for a sleepover..
We did :
1. Frisbee!!
2. Cycling (a lot)
3. Commenting on my driving
4. Bake cupcakes!!! (which turn out to be thin crispy cupcake-like cookies) haha
5. SWEAT!!! eeeuuww...hahahaha

Tomorrow we shall :
1. Watch a movie
2. Window shop
3. Try this and that
4. Be nonsense people haha
5. Lotsa pictures!!!! SMILES!!!

We people (gurls) can go nuts when we're alone...yes...hahaha..will enjoy!!! hahaha...
okay gotta go and have fun =)...will update later...smiles

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