After that, went for lunch in Monash with Cheewoh and Sarah. Pretty nice place...different kinda ambience. So i've been to monash once! hahaha...
At 2.30, went to church to help deco for winny's wedding...pretty fun doing that. Pretty. Everything was PINK!!!!!! ((reminds me of the time the prefects' room was painted pink stripes by some of us)), yes everything, sweet pink...haha...It felt like a lot to do, banners, sticking alphabets even took awhile...cutting confetti!!!! (repetition job (pengkhususan) can become a lil' lynnette and esther helped...they enjoyed cute......weeyen came to help too...certain things are just meant to be done by climbing high ladders..and carrying heavy stuff....salute him for that...=)
We worked till about 7....tiring day...everything looked....WOW...the flowers done were sooo pretty and just so beautiful...
Walked home, bathed and rushed to eat and head back to church for cell party that night...but i didn't play cos i didn't want to get dirty...sooo i found a GOOD excuse to help with finishing touches to the deco...the children were all after the games i got dragged to the canteen...yes it was makan was aunty sonia's birthday but surprisingly everyone say the birthday song for May i thought "mine's the beginning of the month and i still get wishes"hehe...the choco cake was goooooodddd...yes the wedding is the next day but..oh well.hahaha. I drove home with siblings early..i was sooo tired and i had to get up early. 5 am. wow.
THE DAY CAME!!!!!!! after months of info and months of planning, the day finally came!!! winny was getting married!!!!!!!!!! oh the excitement!!! and also, the part where i was one of the bride's maids...hehe i had no idea what came after what so i just follow was pretty fun to be there for the occasion. My first time experience to be that involved in a wedding...kinda cool lo...haha..
The morning was crazy...supposed to bully the heng tais kau kau but...also kena bully...guys can be rough when they are desperate hahaha...crazy things we made them show hahahaha...saw winny getting ready and taking shots too..really pretty...=)...her happiest day ever!!!
We went to church at 9 something...the ceremony and all starts at 10am..the whole sanctuary was lighted up and decorated so nicely...and the back drop didn't fall!!!! (good job weeyen!!) it didn't seem like there were much things everywhere but the amount of work and energy used to put it all into place seemed so much...oh and he and i tried 'clothing the chairs' for the bride and groom...not easy wei..hahahaha...pins ere and there and fat pink bows!!!! (took a few tries to finally figure out how to tie them haha) experience!!!! So anyway, the ceremony went well...many many camera people...and exchange of vows and the usual...the happy moment...haha...lil' zen was the ring bearer sooo cute!!! he had his lil' sweet pink tie some more...aiyooo *pinch cheeekss* hehe...
After it ended, we had makan upstairs and went to clean up the sanctuary...was kinda sad...everything we put up yesterday, all the effort and ideas...had to be taken down the day after....just like that it's gone..=(....the pretty flowers, the pink smooth silky banner...even the confetti had to be vacummed haha(well i guess thats not that big la)...but yea....sighs...we were all tired and worn out.....and we went home to rest and get ready for the dinner at night...i drove with my mum to uptown to get a pink tube to go with my dress for the night.haha...
The dinner was awesome!!!! the place we went to was sooo full of lights!! i forgot what the restaurant's name bangsar la..hehe...had nice outdoor spots for nice shots. I sat at table 31, right under a chandelier..super nice wei...shinyyyyy...waaaahh!!! hahaha...the food was good comes one by one like all chinese wedding dinners...yummy foooodd...oh oh 'tenors for Christ' were there....chua jui meng's son sang...waaaaaahh his voice is just sooo sooo awesome!!!! any gurl would fall for that voice man!!!! it like soothing to the ears...haha..all of us could just listen to him singing the whole night. oooooohhh soooo nice...God really blessed him with such a great voice and he's using it to serve others too. amazing.So there was the 'How well the bride and groom know each other' game...kevan had to feel hands and winny, sadly had to feel.....LEGS...hahahaha...but they both guessed correct for their Final answers....phew...if not...jeng jeng jeng..hahaha...
On the way home, it was 11something it's late and we Gurls are still awake how?? plus Shi na was in the car...lagi bes la... hahaha...we all were laughing our heads off in the car just because of...a lil' lion stuff toy...goodness...hahahaha....crazy moment we had...i miss shi na and jay mi...since they don't attend ghm anymore, haven't been seeing them much...but they're as always...and that's the best part...hahaha...i love them both so much.
Got home at midnight....superrrr tired..always lazy to spend time removing make up...and it got into my eye some was my group's turn to dance today...waking up at 7am was a drag..oh wasn't easy...and my eyes...pandaaaa..hahaha...but anyway, we made it!!! yes though i was kinda sleepy and freezing during the service but i lasted...phew..hehe...second song was hard...tried to follow the timing and cutting patterns my own way hahahaha...oh always felt good dancing during
One thing i have to thank God for today(or few days ago)...THANK YOU GOD FOR PROVIDING MANDA A SLOT FOR CAMPORAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!! it's gonna be awesome!!!! yay!!!! looking forward to it already...smiles..haha...i am soo thrilled!!!!!
This weekend had been....
1. awesome
2. tiring
3. exciting
4. fun (definately)
5. different....haha