Sunday, August 23, 2009

YAYS!!!! Finished finally!!!

Just got home. From theory exam. In SMK Seksyen 4.

Here's how the morning was like on the way :

Listen to teacher give last minute tips and refresh. Wondering what time we'll get there since it was jammed bad. Teacher remains calm but her expressions seeing the jam wasn't very convincing she was okay. Husband's GPS makes noises. ((We seem to be very far from dunno where)). So, i called dad. He explained the way roughly and suddenly i remembered kota damansara was further down from the Curve..gah!! Long way we've gone to 'i have no idea where'...

By the time we actually reached the school, it was 5 or 10mins past 9am...paper starts at 9am...oh well..the time given is pretty long.

Everyone was already writing. The invigilator showed me to my desk then i told her my IC was in the bag so i had to walk all the way to the front and back again...haih...
So i muttered a quick nervous prayer and turned the cover page. As i turned, "God help me God help me"...hehe...i started and got stuck at one question ((which i realized was super easy later on but i didn't think straight since my heart was beating so fast))...So anyway i did it all, checked...and of course i had a few careless mistakes...thank God i spotted them. Was so panicked when i started i didn't realize i skipped a question.

After checking too many times, i got more nervous. I had my paper done in about 30mins. Checked soo much. Then my friend gave a hint that she's done too so we made our way out.

Waiting for my dad, we chatted about ourselves to get to know one another better. Small world. She's in the same class in her school with someone i know. It's good to make new friends. Especially those who don't mind too. Glad she was there. So we talked about our schools and of course a lil' bit of what college was like. Since she's in science stream, i gave her a thumbs up. Look up to people who do sciences. Wonder how they deal with it..hehe

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