Friday, August 7, 2009

The last day of Jonah!

Today we finished the last chapter during cf. It was great. Going through each chapter and discuss and speak scriptures and acting scenes out...interesting. When we first started on Jonah, it reminded me of the Hey Joe musical that was done in highschool. sighs...i miss..hehe

Anyways, this is my title for the Whole of Jonah after studying the four chapters : According to God's heart and Not Ours..earlier there was many others like 'You can't run from God' but i guess chapter four really got me to end with that. Even in the first chapter, Jonah ran based on his selfishness. Everytime Jonah tried to argue or challenge God, he looked at it his point of view not realizing that it was God who is the creator of everything...even people we don't like are made in God's image. It really is a wake up call feeling...yup

After cf, we all went for lunch in SS2. Chilli Pan Mee restaurant. Well since i've been having too much banana leaf rice and curry these past few days, i decided to stick with soup today. haha. all the chilli people went crazy....hahaha...all the nonsense...yup...well anyway, i STILL like starbucks okay victor?? and the WHITE whipped cream k?? hahahaha..yummeh!!

Reached home, locked. aiyo. Phone no credit also. Then, sis got home. Apparently the sliding door wasnt locked so i got the door opened from the inside. hahaha. skill la..skill!!!

oh's the 0123456789 thing...haha..pretty cool for people to notice this kind of thing...

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