Friday, November 12, 2010

Joy of being a blessing

CF-ers blessed people around campus with balloons today! I'm glad it turned out awesome. We didn't give food this year but i'm glad we didn't. Balloons, coloured markers and smiley faces are the best. 

This morning, i experienced what it's like to have something valuable that doesn't belong to me and that I had the choice whether i should keep it or not. Had the weirdest feeling. My first thought was that someone had dropped it and I'll hang on to it until someone calls. After awhile, I thought of times when phones have been reported missing and when someone dials the number, it just goes into voicemail. Pretty easy job. Just shut the phone off, and there you have it. A new phone.

I'm glad i got to be someone's saviour today. And i'm glad i decided to wear the CF tee. Not sure if she noticed but if she did, praise God!! She sounded like the happiest and most grateful stranger. I wish I had balloons with me then.

I feel good today. Started off with a rainy morning. Got to college, turned off the engine, ate my lil bun and studied in the car while the air was cool. So nice that i decided to sleep for half an hour before getting onto the bus and off to class. mmmm. 

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