Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jas' 18th!!!

Finally it was the 24th of July. Time flies. Its Woon's 18th birthday!!!! wheee!!!

After CF, Victor drove to MCKL to pick Manda up and scout for some kind of present for Jas. We finally decided : FLOWERS. bouquets of flowers!!!
We ended up getting....
INDIAN flowers. hahahahaha
We passed a shop that sold "Jasmine flowers"...but it was a shop mainly involved for funerals..wooo..."shiver" we walked and least we got something =).
Then, Manda and I practiced our 'flower arrangement' on the walls of MCKL. fuh! haha...oh well

The three of us kinda practiced on how to sing her birthday song and give proposing actions with the flowers. Haiyo this is how crazy we have become after so many years of schooling hahaha..

So we creaped into the building. so called. We ended up outside Jas' econs class. Victor did his super funny ninja hiding skill!!!!! *bend, turn turn turn to the end of the corridor*..what a sight to see!! hahaha...we looked like silly people who seem to be stalking some one..laughed so much under our breath...phew!

Then, the moment came! Manda greeted Jas with her bouquet of flowers before Victor and I went to create more noise and nonsense. No idea why i got on my knees...((oh no...*unconscious desire)) gaaaahh!!! hahahaha...yea but it was great!!! =)..we were happy, she was happy. smiles.

So we adjent to Secret Recipe in Sri Petaling after many wrong turns and traffic..geram geram..
I broke my "No choco for 1 month"...crap..again...haiyo lynette lynette apa macam..haha.
Yummyyyy....cakey...choco...mmm-mmm.....and i took some snaps with Sierra. Capture awesome smiles and awesome cake and Victor's fried potato alphabets! hehe...i love you Sierra! though looking at you always breaks my heart...ouch...poor you..*pat pat*

After that, Victor sent Jas home, Manda and I to my place..long way for him..long drive..
"Sorryyyy victor!!!!!!!! i feel really bad...will make it up to you..someday. And thanks so much for sending me home...sorry you had to be caught up in the bad bad jam"

Once again, HAPPEEE BIRTHDAY JASMINE WUAN!!!!!!!! love you!!! =)

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