Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jamie, my hero!

Today is Jamie Lim's 21st birthday!!! the PASTOR's DAUGHTER. haha. the girl who stood for what she believed in. Took her risks. Challenged herself. Cared and loved those around her. Never made one feel left out. And that's only a part of her.
No matter what she put herself in, Jamie
Always got support.

And so, today is the day we showed her how much we loved her.
Yesterday, the whole bunch of them went shopping for a present and ended up getting a dress and a pair of shoes for Jamie. Made her wear them today. haha.
After dinner, we watched a video on Jamie's day. The things she had to do on her birthday, the tasks she had to complete. oh poor her. hehe.
Jamie looked stunning!!! is that the word?? oh hairsyle, black and white dress and shoes which made clicking sounds!! haha..a different her today. Being all sporting and enjoying the 'fun' everyone put up for her.
Then, we being girls went to the restroom and snapped pictures!! there was a huge mirror there that tempted us...haha..such fun in there...smiles.

Got home about midnight...*yawns*...cheewoh and your 'stunts'..tsk tsk tsk...haha...thanks for sending me homeeee =)

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