YES!!!!! i tell you...reading my mass comm book for these two days...i'd rather grab my moral
nilai/definisi paper and re-study...haha...been reading words..words...for the whole day...of course i took breaks :
1. roaming around the house
2. chewing on....Japanese biscuits...plain bread(since i can't eat choco spread as well...grrr) haha
3. Sit-ups?? yeah just to wake me up...
4. listen to my beloved mp4....1 song per break..haha
5. talking to myself...or complaining rather.. =)
6. stare into space?? (yes i daydream a lot)
7. ooh i messed with my brother's camera(the one i used to use before the new camera hahaha) and took random shots....and with my sister =)
And these are examples of what boredom led to :
8. folded a swan/bird and 1 heart shape with a white square paper
9. walk up and down stairs
See?? what reading my mass comm textbook too much can do??haha...but i'm glad i managed to finish reading it anyways. thank God for giving my perseverance.
I helped my sister BATHE the CAT today. It's the last bath for her since she was gonna be a PRESENT for my sister's friend hahaha...(Yess!!!!) muahahaha...okok..
Soo...i did something really...weird..INvoluntarily..note that word.
Was the bathing the lil fella while he meows and struggled to get out of the pail but ahaha!! i was stronger. Anyway when we were done, it digged its paws onto my sis' slipper and her foot..ouch..and my sis went like "get it away from me!!"
Sooo...yes this is the part where i took the kitty and hung my arm over the wall to the neighbour's house and...let go...hahahaha...of course it wasn't like a 10 storey building lar...and cats land on their feet right?? but it didn't get hurt anyway...
As i turned back, my sis gave me the look and said "wei!!! supposed to dry her wan laaaa!!! see now i have to bathe her again"...woooopssyy...haha...the whole afternoon, it didn't come back but stood nextdoor and licked itself...paws...whatever la...cats are sometimes just pointless to keep...haha
My sis grumbled a lot cause it took so much effort to get her back..she treathened it(seriously), talked to it, plead even....and the fish didn't work...hahahaha...
The moment he got back in the evening,
bagi manja pulak...waaahh...bother shall be gone soon!!! hehe
Oh and due to overload or lethargic-ness, i go to the park to throw a 'plate' or just jump and run about. Since it RAINED on tues, the urge accumulated and so, for no reason i went for a 10min jog around my housing area while my sister rode the scooter (noisy thing)..haha..
After feeling my legs getting really heavy (which will definately ache tomorrow), i decided to play with plates! was fun...i needed the felt good to sweat it out...
And i didn't cycle to the park...sis did...and her bike has a metal seat thingy cycled while she sat behind...goodness i felt so small and low...and slow...and my sis isn't that small and light so we practically looked like we're going left and right like some drunk fella hahaha...there was a boy cycling too and i bet he thought we were nuts making noise and laughing all the way was a tough cycle wei...small bike some i know why she always wants to use the big adult bike...haha..what a great time out...satisfying.
So why did i call this a productive day??
1. Bathed the cat
2. Covered the chapters i needed to
3. Went for excercise
4. Did three loads of laundry during the day
oh well..mass comm is tomorrow....sighs...let's hope i manage...=)