Monday, August 22, 2011

A yolk to carry

I'm upset, mad, hurt and confused.

How do I express my appreciation all out if you always seem so cold and 'expect so much outta me'? Everytime I try to be myself in front of you, you think I'm being immature and 'improper'. What's more, you tell other people unconcerned how 'disappointing' I am. Now, hearing you 'ask' for a 'thank you' isn't easy for me to give because even if I do, how much of it will be 'considered' as 'sincere' to you?
It took me so much guts to even ask a favour from you and now I feel like I'm being stepped on, whether knowing or unknowingly. I'm a 20 year old in a family who isn't causing major problems in the family and I really don't have any favour at all in your eyes????

But I really am thankful. Just wish you could see it from a Humble point of view.

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