Monday, January 25, 2010


Once in every two months, my siblings, mum and i go for the MPO. What's there?? Classical music, all the way. Some pretty cool, some can make me sleep. 

I know i shouldn't take this opportunity for granted. Trying to appreciate the songs, though sometimes i wonder how people find them soothing and interesting. There are certain pieces which are awesome such as the Star wars theme, James Bond, Pirates of the Caribbean, and other familiar pieces. It is pretty cool when i know how the song goes and be fascinated by how many instruments involved to produce it. One thing i though about yesterday was the harp. I nudged my bro and told him "It'll be soo cool to have one of that at home man..." just sounded beautiful..and a Guy was playing it...haha im not being sexist but imagine that sweet soothing sound produced from plucking those looooong strings. As if all it needs was the gentle-lest touch ever. mmmm...awesome. 

As usual, after the concert, we would get really gorgeous snacks to eat...either pretzels or 1901 sausages!!!! today, we had that. Siblings think money grows on trees. pffft. Oh was awesome...sooo good. haha


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