This year, has been another amazing one. A four days of making new friends, experiencing God and get away from reality and unfocus-ness.
There's so much to say. haha.
The day i got there, we were all told the guys' dorm were DIRECTLY in front of the swimming pool!!! (where's the sense in that?). Then, i had to search for my dorm. 112. And where did i find it? secluded area. Not where all the girls' ones were but it was where the meeting place was, hidden at a corner. WOW. hmm i guess i should have taken a picture but i guess this time round, i didn't really bothered much to take out my camera. i wonder why.
So anyway, i got to make lotsa new friends and also got to mix more with those i knew by name but not personally. And that's always the part i look forward to during camps. =)
I won't talk about so much here. Too much and some kinda unexplainable in words.

GG-ed faces!
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!! oh my gosh we actually got first place!!!!!!!!!!! We had an awesome cheer followed by an awesome song! My group leader was awesome and i knew i wouldn't trade him for another for the group. The excitement he put in all of us and the hype we had that went with the group name, just fit perfectly. Couldn't imagine for a better one. The devotion we did together, the game sessions and the nonsense we did. The cheer we did at the top of our voices and the teamwork was just awesome as if i knew these people all along. The yougest, Yang Ziang was the source of all hype-ness. That lil' chubby member was the noisiest, most excited and the all out guy. Ps Daniel was soo fascinated by his excitement that he gave the lil' guy tons of currency just to enjoy seeing his response. hahaha.
Captain ball was awesome!!!! Though most of us had heavy muscles and aches till the end of camp, that was the craziest session of games that we had. The cheering, the non-stop laughter and the SWEAT felt great! Got to play frisbee too and a friend i met actually goes for training which made it even more fun. The pastor threw it so awesomely that the girls just melted away. hahaha kidding kidding. Some guys played american football too. Looks painful the way they wrestle and pile on top one another. my goodness. The huge pool there looked so tempting but i didn't go in at all. haha. I spent time with my dorm girls during siesta time, played a lil' bit of ping pong (which wasn't bad actually). Frisbee throwing, taking pictures (duh!) and just talking to God. I knew that i needed to boost myself. That's what camps are for. Give a boost especially at an artificial surrounding kinda place. It always feels good to get away from home to stay focus on God.
Worship sessions were the best. The passion, the surrounding voices and the music just going on and on like we never could get enough of it. Worship leaders were all fired up, God's presence was sooo HOT. My heart was soo weak for God i just felt the words i sang took my heart away. I prayed so hard for what i wanted. Some prayers answered, some not yet. There's still a lot for me. =) . God is just awesome. He lets things happen at His perfect timing. Everything fell into place and it wasn't coincidences.

The best part of camps are always being able to make more friends! More from grace klang to be specific...haha...awesome. Being stuck in a dorm with a bunch of gurls i didn't know. We had a blast! We took lots of pictures together, did a small presentation kinda thing on a memory verse we were all supposed to memorize and recite. That was just crazily fun!! the silly actions with the emotions were just so nonsense stuff but it was worth it!!! I thank God that He put me with one friends from grace pj whom i haven't been talking to for a long time, one i didn't even know attended the same church, four from klang i got to know and a friend i brought whom i have not been close enough to. These girls were such a blessing to me.
Next!! my awesome GA i never ever ever would have guessed. I thought i kinda knew when a lil' slip happened but i was wrong. So far, this has been the best one i've had!!! Why? here's what i got : Whole packet of choclairs, few pieces of assorted dentyne gum, pretty lil' notebook, packet of cadbury choco, a cup of hot teh tarik (which i didn't knew was being served for breakfast so that was awesome!), glass of cool water during dinner...i think that's about it. It was a lot. And i felt kinda guilty cos i didn't give my mortal that much. Receiving gifts is one thing, receiving gifts which u know costs a lot is another thing. He really made my everyday...was a lil' upset cos i didn't get like messages or D.I.Y. stuff but when i found out who my GA was, it was totally understandable. haha i'm sure whoever is reading this must think i got like some cool Hot guy, but....NO.

Instead, i think i got the cutest! chubby-est! most talkative! GA! (was in the same group too). When he came and told me "eh, i'm your GA you know", i went "really ah really ah?? aaaahhh!!!! sooo cute!!!!!!!" hahaha...and i'm so GLAD for it
Well, as usual, all camps come to an end. There were pictures being taken everywhere and people exchanging hugs saying "we'll keep in touch", "tag me on facebook!", "it was great getting to know you" "will definitely meet up when i visit your church" and many many more. sighs. Soon, everyone will be missing camp and all the fun we had and the prayers we got.
I really thank God for absolutely everything. The main one, for SHOK CHEN. I just didn't know what to say or do but God was there. God had given her something to take home and hold on to. And like Zlwin said, although it's no boost for life, at least till the next GY camp. =)
And yes, i bet every single one there had an awesome time.