Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today's Devo


I felt tied up in this. Sentences were soooo relating to many areas of areas i'm serving in..which is so amazing i have to talk about it. 

It talked about a HERO. In this book, it used Joan of Ark as an example. I remember watching that movie and found it tough to digest that it really Did happen to her. It got me thinking, "Today i am the age of her when she died and would I DIE FOR MY FAITH????" "Would i dare to burn to death?" *shivers*

Then it went on to Reaching Out (which reminded me of the CF's theme)

The points which i related to are.....  :

1. Be there- "when it comes to reaching out to others in ministry, remember you must first be there." This got me to remember that my attendance in church and in CF have to be prioritized. If i don't attend them as often as i should be, that's not serving much.  

2. "Thank your bible study leader for her hard work, those who organized church activities and opened their homes"   Yup! i have so many people to thank in church, bible study and college. 

3. Be all there -This happens to me. Many a times i know that my mind tends to wander off during service in church or even during lectures in class. There were thoughts of work undone, lunch meetings, schedule of the week, events ahead and things i look forward to. It becomes a distraction and i know i'm still fighting these thoughts often. 

4. Divide and Conquer- Now this REALLY hit me. About 3 weeks ago, my youth leader threw a challenge at the rest of the leaders during the meeting that we are to not sit with usual company during service, especially leaders. So when i read this part, it stated EXACTLY the same thing!!!!! I could have read this earlier or much later but it so coincidently came today. Wow. 

The verses given were encouraging too. At the end, a familiar verse came up. Philippians 2 :3-8. Ooooooo. A part of the CF theme verse!!! awesome awesome..

Now i can begin my day!!!!!!!!!!

Starting with studying for mid term tomorrow. pfft. hahahaha.

I wish everyone in the world a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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