Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ordinary women doing Extraordinary things

My first women's conference!!

I have never been to one before..except the one for girls which was a huge crowd then. 

The experience was good! hearing testimonies of those awesome women that went through so much but because of OBEDIENCE, they made it to where they are today. Recognizing God's voice and just going by faith. Tough thing to do. Leave their comfort zone, change jobs, forced to persevere in situations. amazing. They talked about Destiny and Obedience.

One of them, showed a video and talked with that passion that was pretty dramatic but when i watched the video, whoa...i felt like going to Japan for a mission trip!!! haha...really was heartbreaking and sad..only 0.4% of the population in Japan are christians, millions victims of suicides and abort babies. 1 million schizophrenics. Goodness...and there's this group called Hikikomori which means 'isolated' where people actually withdraw from social life.  =(   was really sad hearing about it. 

Go women!!!!, i'm not into feminism. 

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