Monday, March 29, 2010

Is it just me??

I have No idea what's up with this. Confessing and Stalking and Dating talk and it's only MARCH 2010!!! apa macam la??


"GOD?? is this a 'sign' or are you testing me in some way to not be so nice? this is just....not cool at this point of my life!" haha...seems pretty funny thinking about it...*drops head on table* 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ordinary women doing Extraordinary things

My first women's conference!!

I have never been to one before..except the one for girls which was a huge crowd then. 

The experience was good! hearing testimonies of those awesome women that went through so much but because of OBEDIENCE, they made it to where they are today. Recognizing God's voice and just going by faith. Tough thing to do. Leave their comfort zone, change jobs, forced to persevere in situations. amazing. They talked about Destiny and Obedience.

One of them, showed a video and talked with that passion that was pretty dramatic but when i watched the video, whoa...i felt like going to Japan for a mission trip!!! haha...really was heartbreaking and sad..only 0.4% of the population in Japan are christians, millions victims of suicides and abort babies. 1 million schizophrenics. Goodness...and there's this group called Hikikomori which means 'isolated' where people actually withdraw from social life.  =(   was really sad hearing about it. 

Go women!!!!, i'm not into feminism. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family celebration for sis' birthday!

So pretty!!!!!!

There we eat eat!!! at euro deli..mmm...and when we got back, Cupcakes!!! like the ones i got for my birthday last year (wow its been that long). 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bible study, Prayer, Fasting, Dance, Research Proposal

Yup!!! From today! i shall not use Facebook  for the next 3 weeks to come!! Tough since i have people updating me but i guess i will ask my sister to check instead of me. (SEE no evil!!). 

Resurrection Sunday this year would be really really interesting. Service at a Park! How awesome is that! Well except that there will be no aircond =(  which is quite must pray lots for gooood cooool weather that morning. So, ghm is doing a dance (pretty surprised we actually managed to plan and choreograph steps). Thank God. Saturday was intense for everyone but i'm glad the little kiddos enjoyed it the more they danced...and THIS! is Joy. Relieved. Though there's more to do, thank God. Just hope they come back next week and remember.

One of the girls saw me in church today and said "Che che i can still remember how to dance" and another asked " Che che lynette, after this part *does action* is what? " I was soo glad they were enjoying and looking forward to practices. We only have a month to prepare. *deep breaths*

Saying that, i STILL have my UNDONE research proposal. It's not a lot i think but without my articles, i can do NOTHING. Which is just SAD!!! really frustrating that i can't start any portion of it. =(   So much left to do. And i have stats quiz coming up soon. It's getting harder for me. So confused!!!

*deep breaths*

One thing i keep hearing from a pastor today, "Give thanks, give thanks" . I took communion twice today..during main service and youth service. hehe. And so...i thanked, A LOT?? =)

God has been awesome.

My first girls bible study on Saturday went well. Though i'm still warming up, it was good..Don't know what to expect (as in the outcome), but i'm looking forward and hoping this adventure of studying the book of Psalms (never thought i would do that of all books) would give me something new to chew on. Don't think i've ever heard much of disecting Psalms. haha. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The BABY in the family HAS turned a decade plus two!!!


Used to look more adorable


Then she grew older and more poised


Now, FUH!! want to dress up and make up and wear her baju kurung most of the time

Blessed birthday to my LITTLE(for now) sister!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should take her to a buffet and stuff herself. Too skinny already. haha. oh well..her last year of primary school and being a pre-teen man...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My second project

Ta-da!!! i found a lil' body for the poster!!

Rush rush rush is in my dictionary for the past two weeks. Breakouts follow along..tsk tsk

Saturday, March 6, 2010

*Bangs Head*


I blanked out frustrating and disappointing..i have done powerpoint presentations and oral presentations and i couldn't do THAT. 

Lynn, i'm quite disappointed in you lo..*stare at self in mirror*...*light smile* tsk tsk tsk...

Guess i didn't put enough time and praying for caught up with my busy busy thoughts..

Watched a sermon on Dating today. 1 hour sermon and it was GOOD. I wonder, the pastor said that relationships are not perfect..yet, the way he talked about it, whoa it sounded like the awesome-mest!!! I'm in my last year of TEENS man!!!!! I have a feeling this kinda talk is gonna come more often *shivers*..haha.."God ah...................."   =)

Friday, March 5, 2010

(Rojak post)

Jeremy currently holds my 'Future guy expectations list'...hahaha. Well at least the main points. But what I would like to add to the list (well pretty much because i'm in that pissed-off mood) is:

Not one who consistently uses the word 'WHATEVER' and 'DON'T CARE'

*grumble grumble grumble*

Okay so, it's been awhile since i got a lift from Betsy after CF. The few of us in there had a interesting time listening and trying to sing along to the 'voice warm up' playing in the player. It's so awesome that she has this opportunity to be part of the Canticle singers. Go Betsy!!! It was soo fun. Some of the warm ups had funny words like 'mum mum mum mum...nee-o nee-o nee-o...ha! ha! ha!...winy winy winy...and many more'. And, after hearing the songs, i realized the SOPRANO i've been singing is not soprano to them. WHOA. Now mine's like a mezzo soprano..haha. So cool...was just listening to her with wide eyes and saying "wow" a couple of times. Awesome-ness. 

Facilitating during CF today Not to be mean but i'm glad i didn't get people i didn't know. At least for just now, since it was impromptu. Kinda odd at first when i was sitting with two people who are not only older than me but more mature? haha it was soo funny i was like "i dunnooooo" *hide behind given notes*  But it was alright...will definitely grow from there and not stumble upon my words the next few times hopefully.. =)

Gonna prepare my verse sharing for tomorrow..i always feel i don't have the depth until i get the whole BIBLE in my head..i know it sounds crazy and it's not a competition or anything to be terribly guilty about...just throwing my thoughts here kay..  *smiles*


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MY first work for publicity!!!

It was a hot day and i was sweating already before class. Though i was wearing all white which supposed to reflect a way..haha

Followed Jocey all around campus to post this up! 

Series for the next few weeks to come so...i get to do all the designing i want!! wheeee!!! to de-stress  =) haha

And i shall be getting my CF shirt finally!!!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!!! 



Okay..side-track from studying...

*presses resume studying button*