Friday, September 4, 2009


Going for mission trip today!!! excited excited! Sad thing is i'm not very prepared for it as in the BM part...i guess i haven't read a lot of the bible in BM. sighs.
I tried praying in BM yesterday..haha..wonder what God must be thinking of that...=)

Well, i'm sure the trip will be awesome. New expereinces....*exhale*...can't wait...i know it'll be a good trip.

I have quizzes next week. =( Political science too.....and moral and psych...hope i'll be able to handle them. So much to study now with 5 subjects. hmm....

Yesterday, i declined going for a dinner with the Deputy Prime Minister. hahaha...seriously. Well i was speechless when i heard about it since i thuoght it was a joke but..haha...anyway i couldn't make it even if i really wanted to go. smiles.

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